Integral production chains for the agri-business
What makes Hemke Nutri Consult unique?
• We fulfil the demands of consumers and organisations that require sustainably produced, healthy, tasty and profitable animal products.
• Added value is created for clients by innovation and through solving problems by applying a multidisciplinary approach to the complete production chain of poultry, pigs and cattle.
• Our mission:
Nothing is impossible
There is always room for improvement
• Combining network, skills and analytical power.
“Know-how” is nice, “do-how” is important and “know-who”
is essential.
Implementation of knowledge –ahead of the competition–generates
Development and transfer of knowledge make organisations more powerful.
How does Hemke Nutri Consult do that?
Who does Hemke Nutri Consult work for?
The Hemke Nutri Consult quality circle